Wednesday, June 28, 2006

been awhile since my last.
not lyk anyone ever bothers, but its okay.
i dun really bother updatin as well.
fair enough. =)
anw, dallas is enough. lookin forward t my posts. HAAHA.

okays, so yes.. for ppl who are speculating who's e guy
in my dp, why are we so close. and blah blah.
loud and clear here, HE IS MY B O Y F R I E ND.
yes. heehe.

so far everything is good. smiles everyday.
lovely dovey. i dnoe wad t say for now..
it seems dat everything is gg so smoothly in
e love dept dat i'm afraid dat sth horrible is gna
happen. den agn, it may nvr happen. cus.. neither of
us wants it t happen. =D

this time round, it feels different..
i can feel it. i dun wna harbour far fetched wishes,
even though i feel lyk it. sometimes reality might
turn ard and snap back at you.
reality is afterall, a bitch.

so my dear dear boy, i'm gna be by eur side for as long
as it takes and for as long as we're tgt ; my feelings
for you are true.

one last note t sign off.
i thought i wasn't ready,
but i knew it wud come.
i thought it can't happen at this age,
but i believed it exist.
i thought i was too mature for some,
but trust that der'll be one who proved me wrong.
i thought i often gave too much but recieved none,
but know that one day i wud have it all.

i guess it was you that i was waitin for,
and its you dat i now have. =)

Sunday, June 04, 2006

friday was a v.lovely night,

sat was filled wif activities.
frm 10am t 2.30am
went t sentosa, summer hunk party 2006.
was in a team wif kenneth.
nth much. hahas.
kenneth is v.tall.
we got burnt.
work was fun in a way.

everything lil thing you do...