Sunday, April 30, 2006

school's nt too bad afterall.
pretty enjoyable, for now.
updating for e sake of updating.
i'm tired.

for e right one, will noe

Saturday, April 15, 2006

school's starting soon. real soon.
dun wna quit, dun feel lyk quittin.
so gna miss all those nice ppl at work,
words cnt express my feelings towards dem.
school's starting, shudnt i be happy ?

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

so many unexpected events happened during my
this short 2days trip t hatyai.
i wont and dun wish t elaborate,
those who shud noe.. knew.
those who shudnt, well.. remain dat way.

went back t work after 4days.
well, e truly nice ppl are still
so uberly nice. (;
and.. dats all dat really matters.

kor, we love you. pls, dun do this t us.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

M9 is fun filled w/ funny ppl.
some are gd, some are soso. most are friendly.
it helps dat i've finally figured out sth.
perhaps, in time t come, we might look back and think
of e " WHAT IF/s ? " we might get a sourish feeling.
or, we might nt even look back at all. i dnoe.
pretty glad dat.. i din fall too hard this time round.

and.. yeh. life is as gd as ever. HEEHEE.
sighs.. flyin off tml(sat) and coming back on monday.


Saturday, April 01, 2006

its funny hw ppl changes. i dnoe why, but wad have i done t deserve this ?
and.. its even sadder, dat you dun realise it.

i was naive. my fault. sorry samantha.