Thursday, March 30, 2006


haven been pretty lazy and kinda tired lately.
even now, i'm tired. finished work at 11pm, and went supper.
nice AM anthony is. nice ppl at M9, but.. e world is made up of
manymanymany diff ppl. oh well, (;

made me wake up in e middle of e night, say 3am t ans eur call
or reply eur msg/es. or, make me wake up early in e morn t reply/ans eur call.
make me. and you'll noe.. eur different.

i dun wan another pretty face, i dun wan jus anyone t hold. i dun wan my love t go t waste..

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


i've always loved walkin down this lane,
basking myself in e wonderful past, sth dat i dun think
e future is gna bring. although it hasnt exactly been a walk in
e park, still.. it wasnt dat tough.
let go bad ones, keep e gd ones. i've succeed.
i really really miss so many things, esp my 4yrs life in pgss.
each time i see my teachers or frens on e streets,
everytime my heart ache t noe dat.. everything ends w/ a gdbye.
its impossible, for us t sit together as a class again. everytime i think
of this, tears fill my eyes.

i guess i've jus have t get on wif life, but seriously, those 4yrs.. were e best yr
of my 16yrs on earth. so.. dey will always be in heart. memories; wad a beautiful word.


workin in Grand Hyatt, Mezza9& BQT. haa. nt too bad, kinda fun.
but i might jus leave soon. schs startin for me, i dnoe.. we'll see.
for now, i jus wna be happy at work. and when i leave, i wna thank those
who were close t me personally.

till dat day..

Monday, March 13, 2006

11march2006. I WENT MOS W/ MY SIS.
haa, i jus wna write dat down as a remberance.
nice place, v.interestin.
thanks sis! (;

i'm movin on pretty fast, or rather.. way too fast.
i hope i could slow down as well, but its nt gna do
me and good. i might jus live in e past and tk my swit time
t move on. some see me as a hard hearted person, some see me
as someone sensible and mature, while others.. jus think i'm a bitch
w/ no feelings.
naturally, i wud love t defend myself frm those nonsense. but den agn,
i cudnt care less. by movin on fast, means i'm acceptin e fact and facin my
new life. at least.. i'm living a happier life.

many things happened in these few years, or rather wad i lyk t call..
my growin up years. frm 13 yrs old t e present 16 gg on 17.
i've met many many kinds of ppl, some stayed for gd some barely lasted.
i had my fair amt of guys.. and.. i mean, its e usual thing.
ger met guy, lyk each other, moved onto a new lvl, end.
more often den none, i cried.. and cried. till i thot i was hopelessly in love.
but wad is this love all abt ? is it even love ?
lookin back, i was stupid. but, at least i became stronger.. till who i am today.
a r/s t me now, is sth lyk a phase of lyf.. for 2 beings t come together and learn
together, have fun.. grow together. till e day, dey find out dat, actually..
it was all part of growin up.

at this age, hw many can actually find an everlastin love? its better t face
reality den live in e whole fantasy land. i jus wan smone who can enjoy life w/ me,
cherish e time spent, and make every moment as beautiful as possible. and yet, be down t earth. i dun need a poet nor a romeo, t tell me love is forever or marriage is e next step. i dun wan all these, bcus dey may likely be nth but jus foolish dreams. i mean i can tell you laa " boy, i love you FOREVER. and one day i'll be eur wife " but den agn, WADS E POINT? if we havent even lived 1/4 of our lives. get wad i mean ?

ppl thot i;m a complicated girl, but hw complicated can i be ? some ppl jus nvr understands.. but den agn, sometimes.. i confuse myself too. jus wna live my life happily nw.. i'm nt closin my door of love. i'm jus slowin down in e love dept. i dun ask for much, neither do dey come nicely in a package. as e sayin goes.. " good things are often worth e wait. "

i'll be waiting. (;

PS; i wna tell ppl ard me dat i love dem so much.
jus t name afew ; mom,dad,solo,sarah,vera,gheeting,norman,jaylloyd,dallas,joshua, ze en, wawa, zell,gerald, weiyang.
and many many many more. really alot. dey were really supportive of me. i really thanks you guys, and love you guys t bits!