Friday, October 28, 2005

hi! i'm back. =DD anyone miss me ?
doubt so. hahas. wadeva. =b
went town today(27oct) wif norman.
shopped for his blazier. and..
guess wad ! WE GOT SPOTTED!!
by UAN. wooo. hahas. shortly.. ben joined us.
brought ben's blazier n shirt. BEN GONNA LOOK SO COOL MAN.
hahahas. =DDD
went tamp to meet weijie n cong, after leavin town.
got home ard 12. tiring..

well, jus.. a msg to weijie.
pls, be happy. ((;
cus at least.. u still dare, to love.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

so shag can! 2 nights of almost slp-less nights.
i'm turnin into a zombie! >.<
hahas. meetin koksheng n gang afterwards.
east coast!~ weee. hehes.
though i'm dyin.. i still look forward to it. lols.
so yeh, see ya peeps later!

*listenin to sid's song, its nice. lookin forward to eur gig! ((;

Thursday, October 20, 2005

ahhhh. went town today (19oct.
ate at e coffee club, drank at Spinellis.
spent e whole afternoon der.

went to met cong,kai,dallas,alex after dat.
studied + crapped till bout 9.30pm.
went to eat nasi lemak! hahas.
love e wings man.

slacked at cong's void deck.
played heart attack!
walaos, cong hit w/o mercy!
pain !

wahhaas. simple but enjoyable day.
i'm gettin more n more scare, as each day passes by!>.<

hows e revamp ? hehes.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

kays. i'm bored. so bored.
lyk so plain la can!
nvm la.
learn to live wif it k. =)
damnit. i'm nt even supposed to be thinkin bout these
now. i'm supposed to be lyk.. thinkin of Amaths, or..
even.. Olvls ?!
e more i noe, e more i'm confused. i dun wanna noe!
ahhh.. WADEVA LA!

hahs! went studyin wif xc,wj,ks,jack,dallas,jk.
den xc,wj,ks, went off first.
ray came ! hoho. studied awhile more..
and e remainin 5 of us.. headed to geylang,
for.. DINNER! wahhas.
den. bloody hell! kai.. made us lost our way. ));
hahas. lazy to elaborate. luckily.. ray din tell me sth, der n den.
i would have jus freaked out, i swear!

LAZY TO BLOG LE! weeee! bye bye!

perhaps, it might nt be u.. anymore

Saturday, October 15, 2005

And I could have done so many things, baby
If I could only stop my mind from wonderin' what
I left behind and from worrying 'bout this wasted time

e past haunts, lyk it always does.
have i really let go?
perhaps, not.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

a post to mark me being officially 16!
well, alot of things happen durin e chalet.
jus wanna thank those who were der.
hope in years to come, we will still be together.
i dun wanna elaborate too much.
jus, thanks once agn!
sam loves u guys~