Wednesday, August 31, 2005

WOOHHOOO. teachers' day o5 rocks!!
dancers, I LOVE U ALL!
all e disputes, misunderstandings..
sweat and effort we put in,
through these trainings,
i've learn bout abt all of u, eur
faults and as well as my own.
learn hw to compromise and work as a team.
for all e wrongs i did, sam apologises!
but still... WE DID IT!!

had fun hangin in town wif u all!
doin crazy stuffs.
10 yrs down e road,
we'll still remb tis day!

4A`o5 ; we've come so far together,
and we'll cont tis spirit!
MISS SIOW, I LOVE YOUU!!!! *screamsss*

lastly, 4A..

Monday, August 22, 2005

AHH. its mon and i'm shag !
so shag, so dead.
studyin. argh.

wee, mom's back!
no more lonely nights. =DD

dancin trg-in today was AWESOME.
we're gonna wow e whole sch.
smile, azzah.

PS; gd luck for those havin prelims, xuanlei.
those takin oral, kayson, jack ? nt sure. lols.
haf fun in india, yeeshi!

Monday, August 15, 2005

went to sch, as usual.
nt much happenings,
xcept alot pon-ed remedials.
went to azzah's hse for dance jus nw.

and well, i'm back home and jus had a chat wif norman.
he reminded me hw time flies,
and yeh, in a wink of an eye,
i'm already turnin 16.
talk bout growin up, so much has
happen in this 15yrs or so of my life.
which, e ones dat have e most impact are
e ones which happened to me as a teen.
ppl who noe me well, will noe i'm nt any typical gal.
though wad i've been through, few noes.
nt dat its sth shameful, its jus dat.. i'm too tired to relive e past.

den i proceeded to have a short chat abt love wif norman.
well well well, seems lyk e love bug has caught most of us.
i duno, i realli duno. lets jus say, i'm scared.. scared to fall agn.
or perhaps i jus lost interest.
i often used studyin as an excuse to avoid these issues.
but i noe, its only a matter of time i have to face dem.
many opportunities i let dem slip by, was it a right choice?
i duno, seriously.

all i noe is, when e next one comes,
i'll be ready to love. ((;

3more mths, and we'll be on our own.
xueshuang, norman, ben, jaylloyd, jiada, azzah :
thank you, frm e bottom of my heart.
i really dread e end of tis yr, u guys made 4 yrs so wonderful for me.
tis 4yrs, have been e happiest days of my life.
up/s n down/s, u guys are always der.
v.soon, things wont be e same.
but i hope, we;ll remain as frens, always!
once agn, thanks guys.<3

Sunday, August 14, 2005

went bbq last nite,
well... nt too bad.
everyone warmed up later on.
so, yeh.. nt too bad.
got home n was totally shag-ed.

ahhhhhhh. B3 !!
i mean, its nt i'm nt happy.
i'm cool wif it actually.
but i blamed myself, i shud had done better.
tis cnt be wad i'm supposed to get.
but well, we all learn through mistakes.

uhhh, mixed emo/s regardin many things.
dun probe, i'm lazy to say it out.
jus hope everything will fall into places.
i hope.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

right.. so i went tamp on 9aug.
and i actually ton-ed !
wad for ? for national's day !
ahhh, now i'm sure i'll die 10 yrs younger.

well well, TML IS MY ORAL!!
I'M SCARE, ohh so scared ~

gg tamp for some concert nw.
back later, everyone.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

ahhhhhhhh. SHAG.
really shag.
anyway.. been awhile since i'fe last post.

aug6. sat. was alex's bday.
went to charlie's corner for celebration.
made 6 new frens;
kayson, jack, hz, hz's fren , 20yroldman, photographer.
lols. sry for those i couldnt remb e names.
went OCH. was scare. realli scare.

aug7. sun.
went NLB study wif gheeting.
jus e 2 of us.
its was gd.
i love u, girl.
hur hur.

aug8. mon.
nonsense man. so tired can.
but.. nt bad la. lols.
had a reasonable amt of fun.
e guys were jumpin all over e trampoline.
poor kayson. wahahas.

aug9. tues.
gg tamp later.
ps; its 9.43 nw. i woke up at 9.
slept at 2.30
bui pai right ? =x
cont tis way, and i'll die 10yrs younger.