Tuesday, July 19, 2005

hehs. hi everyone!
been sometime since i last blog.
but its okay la, since i'm no xiaxue or SPG =x
alright, was basically busy wif YCF and well, jus plain laziness.

ycf`o5 was fantastic!
its gonna be a memorable journey of my entire life.
to all my frens whom i made,
THANK YOU so MUCH and i LOVE u guys!
come wad may, i hope tis frenship lasts forever.

so ycf`o5. am startin to prepare for my prelims.
SAJC, i hope i can get in.
wish me luck peeps!

lastly, to my bb peeps ;
u guys have been great, makin trg-ings
fun and a whole lot easier to breeze through.
i duno wad e future brings or will we still be as close
but all i noe is, for as long as i'm alive,
i'll be der if any of u ever need smone to talk to.
i love u guys, now and forever! hugs*

PS; glenna baby, be strong k ? muacks.

and to all others who i know durin ycf`o5 ;
stunts grp, xuanlei, jacky, diana, weikang, bb peeps,
yeeshi, jefferson, melvin, SD peeps, my chingay`o5 frens, and to
all who i knew but din mention. i jus wanna tell u guys..
SAM LOVES U AND THANK U, for makin everything possible.

nt forgettin my frens ;
4A`o5 peeps, gheeting, carson n gang, eugene, willie, sean, davin,
raymond, bingren, weijie, alex, cong, kai, gj, fieryz, meiyi and to all who noe me!
gd luck for all e tests and exams. for those in e tertiary edu, may our frenship last! all e best and may u guys stay happy. all e same, sam LOVES u all.

all other frens ;
gerald, zell, eric, nathan etc..
u guys means alot to me too,
always lendin me a listenin ear when i need it most.
thank you!

MinWei, Shanlin ;
i duno wad to say,
its beyond words.
thank you and i love u 2 so.
pls, take care !

and.. lastly!
my family members,

PS ; sam is so emo tonight!
chiong for prelims n O's!! cheers.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

HQ3's FD.
i love u all.