Tuesday, May 31, 2005

its e first day of e holiday and yet..
i'm SICK. oh well, wad can i do.
>.< cough, flu, sore throat, lost of appetite, fatigue..
cud it get any worse ? =~~

hmmm.. since i've nth to do.
no mood to play games ( who will.. wif a runnin nose ? )
no appetite to munch on food.
and absolutely nt in e form to talk on fone.
so.. i've decided to blog ! weee. hahas.

wad abt ? r/s and bgr. =DD
well, these days. other den O lvls.
it seems e love bug has caught some of my pals as well as me.
whr ' does he/she feels e same ? ' bein e most commonly asked qns.
seriously guys, when u ask me tis. i realli duno, i'm facin tis prob myself too.
but, lets nt focus too much on tis yeh ? we still have o lvls tis yr.
these things can wait, though i noe.. how much we wan it to happen now.
hehes. but i truly believe, u cant rush such things.
so let jus enjoy our few more mths together. =DD
although i wish, he can show more concern. HAHA.
but.. well, i'm gonna live life to e fullest.
hehes. so guys, smile ! =DD one day, we'll all noe.

oh man. meetin GT later for some maths session.
hahas. i'm sick yet so hard workin.
someone.. gimme e under-achiever award ? =/

PS ; i feel.. =/

Monday, May 30, 2005

finally, paper end le.
okay ba e paper. still can do.
i guess e muggin/s does work afterall.

went sentosa to celebrate.
had lotsa fun ! swam alot.
got 2 small cuts, hehes. but its ok.
and its lotsa fun.
but.. yeh. tiring.

June.. e much awaited holidays.
's time to play hard yet work harder.
e battle has jus begun..
* may e best man wins.

i often wonder, wads on eur mind.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

met br, past him his gift.
glad dat he liked it. ((;

went for training,
uhh, nt so bad.

chinese tml.
and soon, chinese o!!

PS; if u know hw i feel, how wud u feel ? i wonder..
many things happen.
lazy to write.
jus here to drop a post.
5 more days [ crossin fingers. ]

PS; happy 18th bday, bingren. ((;

Monday, May 16, 2005

You might think I don't look
But deep inside the corner of my mind
I'm attached to you
I'm weak, it's true
'Cause I'm afraid to know the answer
Do you want me too?
'Cause my heart keeps falling faster

Sunday, May 15, 2005

paper ends.
went sentosa wif norman,ben,jaylloyd,jungang,xs,dallas.
followed by dinner at chompchomp.
had a great time.

met br. movie @ town. supposedly amityville,, but.. ARGH.
went to wt's bday after dat wif norman.
den went to plaza to find br and ray.
den ben came.
me norman ben, kbox-ed till 3am. hahaha.
norman dad sent us home.
PS;i noe who norman likes ! muahaha.

stdyin later? =)

perhaps, it will be.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

hehes. changed, yet again.
tis time,
ders mine,ben's,xs's,
jaylloyd's,norman's fingers!
=DD all e best guys. 2 more left.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

phy was uhh, ok.
nth much for today.
except i felt uberly shag.
and.. sighs. nvm.

fun time wif jaylloyd,xs,norman n ben @cp.
2 more days.

hw i wish i knew.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

err. din celebrate. cus mom went to tha.
and i'm all alone at home. sighs.
hahas. met gheeting n wei to study.
studied my ss ! wee. actually, its quite a remarkable thing.
dat i actually managed to finish it. thanks to de notes. ((;
wei went off first. and i had a great chat wif GT.
its been awhile gal..
so yeh, all de best to everyone havin their exams ! =)

PS; muh lips bled and muh eyes hurt.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

err. changed temp.
went sr, as usual. benny joined us.
norman left early. he was kinda troubled wif smthings.
cheer up boy. u still haf us. =)
these things can wait.

so, in de end. left me and ben.
did abit of maths and ss.
ate quite abit today + mom's chilli crab. aww ! someone. save me.
gave mom her iTango, shes lyk O.O
and here's to everything thing u did. - muahx -

today.. is alright. jus a lil tired.

PS; take care sensei. ((;
my love is true
and only for you
but what can i do
for someone like you
it was love at first sight
though i knew that's not right
but i just wanna hold you tight
with all my love and all my might
i can't see you
nor receive your feel
my lips are sealed
by a kiss from you
and this valentine's blue
will forever be a secret between me and you.

de love bug got me.sm hw i noe,
its nt de time for such things nw.
baby, one day u'll noe.
til den.. pls, stand by me.

Friday, May 06, 2005

current mood ; slp DEPRIVED!

i fall aslp right infront of da comp,
ignorin many ppl. my status wasnt away..
but i was jus so tired dat i din lift my head up
and type sth to tell dem i was away.
benny/ ray/ norman/ darsh/ ben. sry guys.

these days i feel uberly shag.
i duno wad i'm doing, but i wont give up.
least till mid yr is over. and den der will be
Mt o's follwed by ycf. ahhhhh. god bless me.

might come back l8ter. duno. to all those readin.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

uhh, been a while. ok. a short while since i last blog.
am uberly tired and jus so restless.
muh frens wud noe. haha.
so far.. so gud. nth too horrifying.
nth TOO difficult. so well, yeh. ((;
today sch was lame. uberly lame.
mrs seah simply sat in and did her stuffs.
and hello ?! tml is geo paper ?!
she said " if u all `av any qns, jus ask me. i'll jus sit in "
and i was lyk " walao. den i might as well dun come sch. "
hahas. today att was 33/43 ! wee.~
HAHAHAHA. did one crazy thing today.
ben ordered MAC !! den we were lyk eatin mac durin recess.
e.body was gg O.O lmaos.

urgghh. sam is shag, uberly shag.
smone.. cnt me sm slack.
gg out to sr. study.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

okays. tis sounds dumb, but i woke up @6am tis morning.
and its sunday, mind u !! i thot i was overslept and was late for sch or sth.
arghh. well, de day passes by, peacefully.
had tuition. den meet ray and wei to study ?
crapp-ed, studi-ed, ate. dats all. err ?
on de way home, i was talkin to wei,
and tellin him hw i envy ray. cus he seems so relax
and can actually teach us, i hope Os come soon man !
ps; ray aka sensei, if eur readin tis. SAM ENVIES YOU!
hahahas. tml has to take dota for wei. arggh. x)

v.lazy to post muh thots today, i wanna keep it to muhself!
lalallas. peace all. and
and tuh all muh frens, i love u all.