Saturday, April 30, 2005

was rumbling through my april's archive.. and i saw tis which i formerly post. jus wanna share wif everyone. so guys.. here goes.

Out with the old, in with the new.For a change benefits mind is made up and nothing can change that.accepted it and have moved journey is once again left to be walked alone for i've believe the right one hasn't arrived.i will not make myself sound pitiful as i'm not and to gain sympathy at the end of the day is not my wish.Setbacks after set backs failures after failures that wont bring me down as its not yet the end of the world.and i believe the truly interpid and matured people are those who do not run in time crisis but stand at de front line and faced them.Running away is simply a display of one's ingnoble fear.but why...even Hilter chooses to die than to face it bravely.tell me not what love is , for its better if i find it on my own.tell me not what to do for i hab a brain of my own.if its a must that i must learn then its a must that i must fall.for a person who is full of herself must experienced set backs before she actually realised who she actually is.and only from there can she learn.whether its a victory or a defeat one shouldn't lost his soul and his guts, for a person without gut and soul is as good as dead.and the truly commentable people are one of those few who can turn a crisis into a favourable the end of the day, its usually the cool headed and the smartest people who excel.for this world is like a battlefield, a battle of the best not the battle of the strongest.if you can proved yourself to be the best then u're eventually the strongest.but..behold to be the best is not an easy feat, for you have to prove you are articulate as well as braved enough to face any crisis which may happen, to stand and fight not to run and be able to convince people to make them listen to you in awe to make them respect you and to ba able to twist them around your finger.

I'm gald that i fell as i know that i'm able to get back on my feet and for that, i'm contented.To be able to believe in oneself and never lose that confidence is another must have to surivive in this society.whatever happen happens for a reason, what is the reason is of non importance , are u able to accept the reason is the question.Dream high but not too much, for dreams are after all dreams.hard work and effort is not to be overlook, be a realist not a dreamer.matters of the heart is a matter of fate.if its meant to be,the love will be unbreakable but if it isnt,then face it and move on.For life is full of surprises and no one knows what happen nexts.To love is not to possess and to abuse yourself because of love is not love.has much has fate plays a part, it takes 2 hands to clap.fate can onli bring u together.but to cherish it anot..the decisions lies in the parties involved.god is kind, but never that kind.Setbacks , failures , heart breaks are all part and parcel of life.give it your best in whatever you do for when you failed at least you know you tried.Thank god for giving you the chance and to despair is the last thing one should do.Love yourself and u'll find life isnt as bad as u think.To love yourself simply means, not to lose the faith in youself, to be able to accept failures and not blame yourself for it, to learn from past mistakes and to be able to stand strong after a defeat. =D

written by me in one of muh most depressed days, but somehow it made me grow. stronger,emotionally and mentally. wad cnt kill u, can only make u stronger..
arghhhh. time to do some rantings !!
early in da morning 9 am!! call muh hp
walao. i need muh beauty slp cannn.
lols. lemme see.. durin muh few hrs of slp. okay.
ll hours of slp. i recieved 7 calls. 4 sms.
nt dat i'm angry or wad.. jus feelin so shag now.
arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. hahahahas. but sam is okay la.
infact i was mutterin glibberish away on da fone.
i duno wad i was talkin. and i promised tis guy to call ben,
but turned out i jus hang de fone and went back tuh slp.
hahahhas. >.< gg out cp later.

ps; lookin fer me ? via muh hp pls.
b0o !! so.. i did well for muh oral
or rather, quite well. WEEE.
firstly, TGIF !!!
was almost on de verge of brk-in down
if friday nvr arrives.
was draggin muhself to sch,as usual.
but sch wasnt dat bad. pace vanessa for 2.4
and she pass, you go girl! >.< pace montree for abit too.
uhhhh, skip recess. and after sch, sent jaylloyd home wif norman.
knock muh head onto his gate, HAHA.
hmmm.. went to mug@cp. and dota-ed !! wee.
well, muh posts is pretty bored.
so bear wif it kaes. till de exams are over!

Thursday, April 28, 2005

you noe de thingy ppl say abt oral ?
dat it is near impossible to fail,
dat is if, u cnt speak.
i can speak, BUT TERRIBLY at dat.
and oh well, knowin dat i will be facin Mr.Tan
doesnt seems to help much.
its nice tuh noe, he have gd impression of me.
but wait till tis afternoon! he die at muh chinese.
arhhhhhhhhhhh. really nervous abt tis whole oral issue.
bless me bless me bless me bless me, pls bles me!

*will be back at nite. <3<3<3<3 <-- dun ask me wad tis is fer. i duno.
arhhh. studyinnn. lol.
went to kovan to study.was wif ben, yunzhen,diane
yz and diane.. is muh seniors.
dey thot us phy. ((; thanks seniors!
den took neoprint wif dem.

went to hg mall, tabao for sensei.
saw de counter was packed wif so many ppl~
kelian de sensei.
gud thing nth went wrong wif da money.

went home ard 11. after tabao for mummy.
she jus came back frm bkk. thats all bahh.

* ru guo.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

uhh, went out wif GT,wei,ray,hector.
((; watched guess whu fer de sec time.
but, it doesnt matters.everyone enjoyed de show.
lalalas. went to dota after de show. had funn.
all i can say is.. been awhile since i was
tis carefree and had fun. was stress wif schwork
but i guess we all need to loosen up. ((;
thanks guyyys.

PS ; sensei no more muh sensei. =~ lol.

Monday, April 25, 2005

artsy » journalist has no voice w/o a trace. says:
simply samantha ; one last wish. says:
yeh ?
artsy » journalist has no voice w/o a trace. says:
why din u update ur blog anymore?


okay,dat explains y ima back.
well, its all abt muggin, tests, exams, hmwk, STUDIES!
gonna brk down anytime. hahas.
nth serious, jus a lil stress.
muh timetable ;
5.45am - 6.30am = preparation fer sch.
7.30am - 5pm = sch, and revision in sch library.
5pm - 7pm = rest, dinner.
7pm - 10/11pm = study @ cp.
11pm - <1am = chat, dota, crap.

see hw stress sam is ?
becomin a no-life/r soon.

and yeh, i've got a sensei.
who loves thrashin noobs. lol.
but v. helpful and willin to teach.
dats y, sensei. lol

and muh darlin gheeting bday was on 21/o4.
was lazy to blog.
anyway, best wishes gal ! sam ai you. ((;

well, wad else ? hmmm.. nth else i guess.
take care all muh frens. jiay0u together.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

nth but studyinnnnnnnnnn.
god gimme strenght.
sam is breakin down !
oh no. sam must stand strong.

- zhi pa wo zhi ji hui ai shang ni. -

Saturday, April 09, 2005

i miss de thai ppl!!!
dey have been sucha great fun
so friendly
hais. hope u guys had a fun time
and do take care.
sam misses u all. ALL DE BEST.
mwahs x)

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

dyin. sick. lose of appetite.
study. exams. stress. o lvls.