Wednesday, December 29, 2004

camp preparation..
busy week.
cut my some slack !

tml gg to cut muhh hairr.
after dat.. tuition.

pS :
mayy de victimss of de tidal waves
rest in peace. deepest condelence to their families.

(( _ love so divine..

Monday, December 27, 2004

sch tml- 8am ter 5pm.
cut me some slack.

think i gonna cancel tuition.
feel lyk quittin it.
but wldnt be able to survive w/o it.
-grits my teeth-
chants: 1 last yr!!

am bored. )):


lyf is beautiful.

Saturday, December 25, 2004

firstlyx, MERRY XMAS!!
went outta wif ben,meiyi,cla,yelena,cavin
ferr countdown.
ben sprayed us,cus he was de only one who brought.
den backfired!!
four of us brought.chased ben frm esplanade
to clarke quay.
oh man..wad a nite.LOL

sat trisaw..wif ben.WHAHAAS
lame shyt.
had fun. =D
no doubts. merry xmas everyone.

25th dec-

met weiyang fer movie.
- love so divine -
very nice movie!=D
thanks wei.
meiting came.. =D

PS : wei,thankx for ur gift.

met baichi.walk walk.ate pizza
went woodlands.
man. someone gimme expressions' number!!

tirin dayy.. but fun!! =D

merry xmas once again.

oh yea.. saw him.
but well.. wadeva.
to see u dead,
would be a dream come true =)

[[ xin de yi nian jiang lai lin..
you dian she bu de________#

Thursday, December 23, 2004

/me shruggedd-
mom finally back.

i mish yew!

oh yeaa..


rawk on!!

peace out-

Sunday, December 19, 2004

=)) fridaex.
met baichi =b went walk walk~
thankss ah dear.
went to woodlands hse.roller blades!
met alex~ heyy panda ge,rawk on!
xiancong,alex,and i 4got his name =x
was derr. went lex's place awhile.
and he came hg! he and kaii taught me to blade

heyy,thanks guys ;)
oh ya.. saw willie oso.
kor,jiayou! =b

sat ah!
wa.. he came frm tamp den sent me to kallang
*oh my god! wo bei mo [[ touched la ]]
really..thanks dear. =b

(( freakin shockin news :
bladers are to freestyle till de floats
comes in ))
u shud see my face when i heard dat! its lyk *omfg. =/

i met gheeting and kuppo!
l0ls. hey kuppo. go ite le.. jiayou ya ? =D
gheeting still fast aslp on my bed.

*ps: firstlyx,lex panda ge. thanks for makin de effort to teach. rawk on !
makes ^5 sign =b
secondlyx, ting ah..time flies but u're still da best =D kuppo.frens always ? lols.*
lastlyx, BAOBEI XIE XIE NI!! =x

peace outt! ;)

Friday, December 17, 2004

why ? for me to n0e and for u to find out

tiring,but fun.
shockin news.
sam = blader ?!

u made lovin u so easy for me,
jus chill kaes. relax
tml will be a better day.
i'll always be here.
(( hugx_

< u made l0ving yew so
easy fer me >

Thursday, December 16, 2004

peekab0o ~ ;>
lols. w0ke up kinda earlyy
crappedx wif muh dearest awhile
he went back to slp -.-!
gave him wake up calls.
de v0ice was lyk so darn cute.
*hahahas -giggles =b

had tuition.
3 freakin hrs of maths...
someone save me..
at least i learn sth.
thanks cher, =D

met gheeting!!hohohos.
muh best pal,crappedx
ate dinner and some lame dessert which we nearly vomit out.
hahas. den david joined us awhile.
dat guy.. -.-!
v.cute,thank god he remb us. ya yong ? =D gt time den come out bahs.

talked on fone wif baichi =pPpb
happy happy~ hahas.

[[ y ing we i ai, suo yi ai______ # `mwahs*

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

/me slaps myself _piakkk
thinkin of such stupid
ideaa in daa m0rning.
lols.sry dear

/me smile frm ear to ear =D
met my bb.. went walk walk~
v.happy =D
got back simcard,thanks sis!

v.happy today

keepin my faith strong_ =D

Monday, December 13, 2004

/me breathes in
n out..
startin work soon.
soon...i'll noe hw hard its to earn $$
hopefully everything goes well.

heyys b0yx~ =b
rest more =D
prayx for me.
causin i'm prayin for u


< pls god.300..jus $300 bucks.
for de sake of e600c.pls
bless me.cause i need ur blessin. >

(( i dun wanna burn anybody's hse
=b i jus wanna clear my stock.
hahas. )) jiay0u for me kayx? =D

[ bec[us i mi ss y o u ]
so yea. got over my hp.
but samantha still wants u dead.
may ur hands rot u low down scum.
dun be too happy.. for justice has long arms!!
just w a t c h o u t

nt lettin u spoil my m0od.
meetin sis tml.h0pefully get a new f0nex
=) [fingers crossex

*hohoho)xmas season.
xmas card anyone ? =x $6 for 8.

been stayin home and yea..
big time rotting.
luckily..ders u. *thank god.
went out wif m0m on da 11 of dec.
got $50 and losta choco.
((mom : perhaps we shud hang out more often. mwahs_

heyy baby b0y ~ =x
take care yaa. w0rk is work. rest is rest.
t h an ks is all i can sayx.
u'll be der ya ?
*i prayed. -fariy tales do come truex-
becus i believed. [ mwahs ]

g0d bless me.
for i dun wanna burn anyone hse down tml.
w0rld peacee ! =x
i miss u babe.. i realli do.

heyy yelena bday ger~ happy bday ya =D

Friday, December 10, 2004

/me criessssssssssss
hais. sad.. lost my hp. dun wanna talk bout it.
may de person who took it have no gd endin.
samantha wants u dead !
*wad comes round goes round.

/me cheerrrsss
realised i've gt many great frens
and one great ba0beix. ;)
great dad.. great sis.. and well.. great mom.
*shouts = i love u mom. i didnt mean wad i say. h0pe u understand.

< to daa l0ser who took it. u got my hp. u got me into trouble
but u aint gt my life. jus remb.. samantha wants u dead! >

(( thanks everyone )) [[ thanks babe.. ilu ]]

Thursday, December 09, 2004

chingay was cool. but tirin.. warm up, dance practises and such. hahas. wenting was a babe =D thanks sis ! =D those ppl were frenly

gonna keep de post short.. very to hear his voice. am satisfied =D

all in all.. i miss u !

[[m i s s i n g `y e w]]

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

b0ox! =b woke up at 3+ today.. and its PM mind u !! hahas. nice to slp,cold cold de. kkekekes. den ard 4 liddat wo de baichi online x) den went back slp.LOL. zhu tou =/ den called him at 4.45 liddat.. de voice blurblur. cute. hahas. den i msg wif him.. den meiyi oso disturb him in msn.lols. thereafter.. ard 7+ i went to gheeting place for dinner. kekekes. den we went to hg green cus her hse got 2 guests~ so we went outta walk walk.. and as usual we talk alot. =D love u babe. den watched de mighty in laws at here place. zoe n tay ping hui so romantic cann. de last part.. den i went to hug her elmo.. lols ! den went to take slippers.. der i got tickled lyk mad !! shytt u.lols. miss u ah baichi =b den reach home 12 liddat le.. den install msn7! fun ~ hahas. had a talk wif weilun..oh man.. its like 3 yrs since we last talked.. well.. thinkin bout de gd ol days. all i can say is.. thanks for gg through those days wif me. it was sure nice and fun and carefree. thanks for bein part of it =D nw.. all grown up le.. bt still frens ! hahas. and guess wad..!! lzefier kenn add me ~ woohoo~ rawk on lzefier =D [[ miss u babe.. ]]

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

/me screamms. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
shutters was scaryyy =/ hahas.but overall kay la. jus dat de ghost was very disgusting. ewww. hehes. had an enjoyable time although we didnt really talked much. =b but still.. xiexie ni! met meiyi n yelena.. and saw meiting and clara.OMG.!! so happy to see meiiting and clara..esp clara.. cus soo long nvr see her lee. i miss her mann. and we hugg de moment we saw each other. she is sucha sweet babe. hehes. den i went to hg mall walk walk wif meiyi and yelena.. dey had their dinner.. i didnt.. cus i was sick of de food. hahas =b den i went to 681 met gheeting and carson.. den des came.. so liddat lo. den reach home ard 1.45am. late ah late.. very shag nw. hehes. go le ~ bb! [[ thanks babe... thanks ]]