Thursday, October 14, 2004

and so yea.. i slept ard 2 last nite woke up at ard 5. i'm totally shag. de first paper i studied so hard for.. 7hrs+.. can u believe it. de only comfort i guess..was.. de paper turn out kinda alright. at least can pass. hehes. tis exam period.. every paper turned out to be a total shock. qns we thot would nvr came out.. came out. imagine.. role of stb for 9 marks ?! and i noe nth bout it.. lols. tml chem.. last paper! weee ~ den can go celebrate lerhs.hahas. i remb yesterday.. b4 de paper.. was writin date.. i asked jooting " wads de date? " " 13.." she repiled. den i said " okay.thanks " den i write.. 13/ /04 den i stuck at de blank. i stop and think for awhile den i asked again " wads de mth ? " she stared at me.LOL.den said " oct ~ why u so blur?" hahas. duno.. suddenly cnt remb.lols.ahhh~ tired. later still studyin. afterwhich..i can hab a long long break.. chill out guys.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

amaths was out to ruin our grades. geo was okay.. though it got crap-ped along de way. tml..emaths.. praying. oh yeaa. got an annoyomus sms frm a peicai guy.blah.peace out guys. love ya !

Saturday, October 09, 2004

wahahhas !! my bday !! =b de first person who wished me was zell. de first hu called was willie and de first gift is by ben.weee ~ bbq soon.laters everyone

Friday, October 08, 2004

yay ! go.. right outta door. i dun wan u back. go as far as u can. it has nth to do wif me anymore. i'm movin on to another new chap of my life.. i dun care wad de future brings. as long as i'm happy now ! =D weee ~ tis weekk.. kinda happy. kekes. well.. life isnt dat bad bahs. and tml is da big day ! weee ~ =D

Sunday, October 03, 2004

de sun departs wif de moon's arrival
as i sat and look out of my window
my thots flow to u.
why did it hab to become tis way
what did i do to deserve tis.
u're de key to my doubts.