Saturday, July 31, 2004

god. mom is backk. so sudden. will be lookin forward to her next trip.might be 2 weeks later might be a mth.bahhh.i duno. de sooner de better i guess.
wee ~ today..cookin de spag was fun..and eatin it too ! dinner was nice and filling.nth too much nth too grand.another day went pass..smoothly..except for de mornin part. back.must plan time carefully..and i'm gonna save up !! save save save ~ *kachingg ~*  hmmm..wadeva it is.i`m sure we can go thru it..afterall.. absence makes de heart fonder. but..i'll miss u. arrgghhh. wahahas. my blog is gettin clourful.  kakakaks.
gettin too colourful..shall stop here. [ muacks ]

Friday, July 30, 2004

arrgghh. how stupid of me.forgettin my wallet!! reached da station den i put my hand into my pocket.was empty.panicked.sms baobei.told me nt to panic and slowly think.decided to go home to check..when i reach home was already 7am.sch starts at 7.20 =/ quicky sms meiyi.den rush over to meet her.BUT !!! she left...... so here i am... home sweet home.
kinda angry wif myself for being so other words.stupid. a day lesson...g0ne~ gonna do some revision afterwards.sorry ah baobei.for nt goin to sch.. too many consquences le.
went to bishan yest. to meet him..den we went to shop for a present for his fren bday~!went to de buy foodstuffs.actually is i cook..but ended up he cook.or rather..both of us are gonna cook =x so yesterday went on..smoothly..i would say.
today started off wif abad starting.lets  hope dat today woll turn out fine afterall.blame myself for makin a mistake..and hence miss lessons.its a lesson to learn... baobei..once again..sorry. [ together. ]

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

BOO!been a long time since i last miss me ? blog my blog.whr shud i start. hmmm... things hab been goin great between me and him..less confusion.both of us learnt to gib and take..and i learnt how NOT to take him for granted.yea..
a funny squabble broke out between us today.. de issue of whose fat and whose not. dUhx. =x hahas.i dun wanna go into details..all i noe is dat its very hilarious.den we kinda played catchin at de bus-stop. =b lolll. tryin to revive childhood NOT no childhood.lols. jian fei jian fei.yao bu yao jian ? LOLLL. class..der were a total of 3 tests.2 surprise test..hate it cann.den one social studies test..fall aslp half way..and woke up to complete it.ahahas.its test week tis week! b0ringgg.sch is usual.nth special.
omg!! my mom is comin freedommm...~ lols.anyway..partly glad dat she'll be back soon.kinda miss her... but nt dat glad either.LOL.but nvmm. sure got time see my bb back or not..doesnt matter. even if he hides at any corner of de earth..i'll haunt him down !! LOLL. scaryy ~
[ today blog's is kinda messy. cuz i'm feelin hype today..duno y.seems like everything has go on smoothly..and a day will be over soon. baobei..thanks once again.for brightening up my day ~ muacks ]

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

dadadeedum~!kakas. long time didnt update. reasons : lazy lazy and pure laziness. been feeling happy lately. toked to him abt some stuffs and i felt a whole lot better. no one noes..i didnt want to tell it to anyone.but somehow i felt dat faith in him and it jus came out of my mouth into his ears.Thanks dear ! one memorable event is dat... we went to pulau ubin to PICK DURAINS! lolll!!! funfun.only part nt fun is bein part of mosquitoes dinner but dat marks de end of their life as funny thing is... while pickin..we heard sounds and we thought dey were made by some wild we started runnin.funny thing is...he was holdin de knife and he ran fast den me o.0 lol!! cute sehs. but turn out its jus a van passin by.LOLLLL.i run den he run faster den me somemore!!lols.but he did stop and look back.if nt we would hab run to some funny places.kakakas.~~ den..[reflection] time. guessed i've been too stubborn in de past wantin each n everything to go as i wanted.time to change for de better ~!! hopefully i can achieve it.hmmm..finally no more night's squabbles over gb ! lols. finally ah.=x now dat we hab open up ourselves to one another..things feel a whole lot more guessin game n hidden msg/es. kakaks. weee. I'm loving it ! =X [ ]
dadadeedum~!kakas. long time didnt update. reasons : lazy lazy and pure laziness. been feeling happy lately. toked to him abt some stuffs and i felt a whole lot better. no one noes..i didnt want to tell it to anyone.but somehow i felt dat faith in him and it jus came out of my mouth into his ears.Thanks dear ! one memorable event is dat... we went to pulau ubin to PICK DURAINS! lolll!!! funfun.only part nt fun is bein part of mosquitoes dinner but dat marks de end of their life as funny thing is... while pickin..we heard sounds and we thought dey were made by some wild we started runnin.funny thing is...he was holdin de knife and he ran fast den me o.0 lol!! cute sehs. but turn out its jus a van passin by.LOLLLL.i run den he run faster den me somemore!!lols.but he did stop and look back.if nt we would hab run to some funny places.kakakas.~~ den..[reflection] time. guessed i've been too stubborn in de past wantin each n everything to go as i wanted.time to change for de better ~!! hopefully i can achieve it.hmmm..finally no more night's squabbles over gb ! lols. finally ah.=x now dat we hab open up ourselves to one another..things feel a whole lot more guessin game n hidden msg/es. kakaks. weee. I'm loving it ! =X [ ]

Saturday, July 10, 2004

bahhh. jus takin a brk frm my endless amt of hmwk.couldnt concentrate..whole head thinkin of him.thot we could meet up.afterall after 5 days of study i was lookin forward to these 2 didnt.abit sad.but..nvm.den guess wad..tml oso cnt meet ?! baaaahhhh.! den mon oso cnt.reasons..its nt abt him.its bout ! i swear i'm gonna finish all my hmwk by today.even though we cnt meet but i'll try.i dun wanna gib up tis once a wk day.den maybe if i finish all i can see u tml afterall.breakfast..lunch..dinner.anything.! i jus dun wanna gib up any chance of seein u.even if it takes me few hours to finish all.i dun long as i finish dem and i get to see u =] even if we didnt meet up tml.its okay..i noe i've tried. and i'll see u on tues ! but..i duno.i jus miss u...badly.even though 1 day haben even past.sat sun mon.3 days ! hw am i suppose to go through dat.absence does make de heart grows fonder.but...i'll nt gib up any chances of seein u.i'll finish my maths by 8 chinese by 9 and script by 10. =] and i'll join u for gb..asap. [ i miss u. ]

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

as i'm bloggin i'm reflecting.on wad he has said on wad i've done.suddenly..many other flaws seems to hab gotten out of me.he was rite.i'm too insisted on things havin done my way when exactly other alternatives can be done to compromise both.but i didnt do is right for him to say i dun understand him.he asked " how are we gonna last " seriously..i duno.i only noe i'm dead serious and i wan tis to carry on for as long as it could.of cuz i wouldnt wan an ending.alot of de squabbles/quarrels/unhappines is caused by me.i'm nt sayin this jus cuz i wanna make u happy.i've think and i've realise..sometimes samantha isnt always rite.its be humble.i've done far too many things dat i dun wish to do.regrettin after wad i done.but is it of any use ?u might say it is in de may nt mind..but i mind.i'm sorry for causin so much unhappiness.i wan u to be happy.u made me realise so many things which others didnt.and i'm so ashame of everyone hu has been toleratin me..i'm sorry n thank you.i noe wad i wan [ to make tis last.and make it keep my promise till de end of time ] but i duno wad to do.but after some words u said hit me hard.i couldnt jus ignore dem.if i noe wad i wan den y dun i work hard to achieve them ? i took u for granted.its alright for u to be angry if u're readin tis.hw many times hab i say sorry.sometimes..sayin sorry is jus nt enuff.but..dear.i hab no others to say to u.i cnt wad to say.i cnt find anything to clear myself.all i noe is.after tis silly incident which is caused by me.i'm gonna work balance tis relationship and of cus i wont neglect my studies cus i noe u wanna see me do well more den anyone else.all of tis..I can do it.its right for u to feel anything now.i'll prove u all wrong.cus i dun wanna lose u.i feel dat i'm jus startin to grow patient. [ sorry seems to be de hardest word ] and baby for u..i'll smile =]

Saturday, July 03, 2004

yea.i'm back to blog. [sighs] almost lost him today.and sadly..i'm solely responsible.i dun nid to defend myself tis time cuz i've no reason to do so.i duno wad came over dat pt of time i noe wad i did is sth i shudnt be doin but i still did it konwingly dat is sth even i myself cannot commend much rather him.its perfectly alright for him to think in de way he was thinkin.i showed de selfish and attitude side of me today and i regret dat pt when i thot i lose him my mind went blank.i didnt noe wad to do its de first time i'm feelin tis way.i dun even wan today to pass where i'll wake up to find a tommorow w/o him.i've realised dat he is impt in my life.and to treat someone so impt in my life tis way is too unfair to him as well as contricdting myself. [ i'm nt a perfect person.i didnt mean to do those things to u ] i noe tis alone doesnt helps much.and sometimes a sorry isnt's lesson is too much for me.its start changin for a better me.i dun wan to make an impt person sad i dun wanna see him miserable anymore.its time.samantha has to change.samantha has learn her lesson de hard way. [ samantha loves u.. ]