Thursday, January 29, 2004

w0ke up at 6.49am today.and immediately rush out of bed,wash face changed into uniform etc.den was late for sch.i reach de bell just nice rang.but teacher duno allow me to pass,somemore ITS WAS RAINING.unfair right.but nvm.found out dat ben n zhen jie was oso late.our name was recorded den we made our way to de lessons ok ah.bery fast end.MISS SIOW BERY NICE.she found out i slept durin her lessons but she didnt w0ke me up.LOL.nice teacher ah she.bery sweet n kind n yes NICE!after sch we went to,norman,ben.we played on de train towards PS like nobody's business.and ppl were like staring " 3 secondary students playin on de train?! " LOL.but dun care ah.den reach der le.we went to makan den norman keep speakin dialect -_-" dun understand.den me n ben keep luffin.l0ls.den we went to walk ard 4.30 we proceed home.reached home,i played gb n den study for chinese.oh wallet shop de salesgirl ask ben "u hw old ah" we replied "sec 3" den she say "zhen de mah?hen xiang pri 5 lei" me n norman burst out laughin den ben paiseh ~ hahaha =x de girl somemore say ben CUTE lei.=p had abalone for dinner,m0m cooked.bery nice ~ long time didnt eat my m0m n daddy l0tsss ! =D got back my maths paper 16/20 lost 4 marks due to careless mistake.zzz.

th0ts of de day
i begin to realise hw much my family members dote on me.although mom often scolds me but its still for my own often speaks sense wif me and some time nag.but yea,its for my own gd.bro n sis always der for me.=D l0oking at de peeps ard me n my classmate, i realised sth.being in 3A was no j0ke,de competition is stiff n i hab to work very hard in order to get wad i wan.onli dat way i w0nt let down my family members n myself.i n0e n i believe i can make it. its my life after all. =D - 你是我的幸福吗? -

Sunday, January 25, 2004

didnt blog last nite as i didnt feel like.l0ls.went to Mr Leong hse yesterday and we kinda cre8 havoc =x his hse was real nice.could stay der de whole day..but too bad he dun played cards at his hse and i won ard $3+ while ben lost ard $2.lols.we play small wan =p den we went to PS, ben brought a pouch der while i brought a skirt..meiyi brought nth.=x den on de way home it rained n i ran all de way frm de bus stop across de road into my hse estate den my soaked frm head to rain didnt stop for de whole nite.nw still rainin -_- was supposed to meet GT today at ard 9am to go to my uncle's place together.but somehw both of us couldnt wake up n she hab sth on later in de day we cancelled it.too bad i woke up ard 11+ today.went for lunch at,bro n uncle went to de Hans.god,their food fish taste like fcuk n my bro said his wasnt nice either.s0mehw dey dropped their standard.but de ambience was pretty gd.but de food..still cannot make it.after lunch uncle went to buy his hi card.den i went to buy sushi den de 3 of us walked home.i played gb for ard 1 buddy list was down make me no mood.TODAY FINALLY BROUGHT MY ARCHANGEL =s den played for an hour i went to revise social studies(b0ring like fcuk)but no choice.den complete chem n physics..pretty habin Social Studies test.h0pefully,i can pass.=p st0p bloggin liao.go revise everyone !hab a fruitful weekend ahead =D cheErs !

Saturday, January 24, 2004

w0ke up at 10.20 today and was suppose to meet ben at i jump out of bedtook a shower,prepare everything den walked quickly to de MRT station.den just nice,when i reach he oso reach.l0l.den we took train to Potong Pasir to Shirley's hse.her hse so nice,alot of food somemore her mom bery generous.angbao gib $10 de.and its like der was more den 10 of us,realli bery generous.we ate,played,talked,laughed etc at her hse till 3 den we all left.patrick,weikang,peng siong went heartland mall ben n yelena went home liyin went to find her for me..i took 328 to GT's hse.den spend till 7.30.her m0m oso another generous soul $10 oso =D den her cousions came.we played daidee den gb den tok den i l0st like $3+ no luck ah.but..nvm..-kai xin jiu hao- den reach home ard 7.55 pm today.m0m was slpin bro n dad hse quiet..i played gb till 12+ den went of to do hmwk.after dat bloggin lo.i dun like to cover my day in detail ah...find it kinda b0ring n meaningless.lols
Right...dat bout day.may sound pretty b0ring..but i enjoyed it anyway ! =D

Before I Met You Lyrics

I thought I had seen pretty girls in my time but that was before I met you
I never saw one that I wanted for mine but that was before I met you
I thought I was swinging the world by the tail I thought I could never be blue
I thought I'd been kissed and I thought I'd been loved
But that was before I met you
[ fiddle ]
I wanted to ramble and always be free but that was before I met you
I said that no woman could ever hold me but that was before I met you
I thought I was swinging...
[ steel ]
They tell me I must reap just what I have sown but darling I hope it's not true
For once I made plans about living alone but that was before I met you
I thought I was swinging...

Thursday, January 22, 2004 time now is ard 11.20.juz finished playing gunbound(gb) n rank was being promoted to happy ~ its like i was waiting enternity for tis rank..though its nt dat much of a big deal.but still yea..i'm happy.been stayin home whole day n r0tting..n0thing much to blog.tml goin shirley happy ~ again tml.nites everyone =D
Numb Lyrics

I'm tired of being what you want me to be
Feeling so faithless, lost under the surface
I don't know what you're expecting of me
Put under the pressure, of walking in your shoes
(Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow)
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
(Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow)

I've become so numb
I can't feel you there
I've become so tired, so much more aware
I'm becoming this, all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you

Can't you see that you're smothering me?
Holding too tightly, afraid to lose control
'Cause everything that you thought I would be
Has fallen apart, right in front of you
(Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow)
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
(Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow)
An' every second I waste is more than I can take

I've become so numb
I can't feel you there
I've become so tired, so much more aware
I'm becoming this, all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you

And I know
I may end up failing too
But I know
You were just like me
With someone disappointed in you

I've become so numb
I can't feel you there
I've become so tired, so much more aware
I'm becoming this, all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you

Become so numb
I can't feel you there
I'm tired of being what you want me to be
I've become so numb
I can't feel you there
I'm tired of being what you want me to be
right..had de layout changed.looks better..i hope.just habin a lil prob wif de tag board den i'm d0ne.its chinese new yr day today..and yea..nth much had changed.still..its de same ol me same ol environment onli thing its de new yr.didnt went out to go visitin n so called collect ang bao/s today.reached home at 4am last nite went to river ang bao wif mei yi clarence n hermin den walk walk sit sit tok tok eat eat.l0ls.saw firew0rks again but in de toilet -_- bery happening ah.was in de oriental hotel toilet when dey put out de fireworks den de toilet has a full length windown n was in de direction of de me n mei yi stood der for like 5 mins n watch ?wahahah.quite fun ah last nite.but english new yr ws much more fun.currently readin a new book -= Fools die by Mario Puzo =- seems pretty interesting.haha =p right..i go slack le.might blog tonight.anyway.Happy Chinese New Year !

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

right..kinda been a long time seen i last blogged.practically forgotten bout my blog =x till i saw my fren's blog den i remb dat i had a blog of my own..wel, de past few days or weeks,wadeva.i changed my hp on my dad's bday and on dat day i could tell dat my dad was happy and as long as he is happy i'm happy ! =D l0ve my dad l0ts n my mom too.right after my dad bday which is de next day i fall asick,fever wif temp risin to as high as i skipped sch for 2 days n in total i miss sch for like 4 days ? thurs,fri,sat n sun.busy playin gb n catchin up wif sch work as well.thanks to ben,norman n xs for their help in helpin me catchin up.and arigato to terence,yismin,meiyi,norman n gang..for their concern when i didnt go to sch.wahahaha..abit lame liao..duno wad to is Chinese New Year Eve.weee~ g0nna hab some real fun.goin to eat Sakae Sushi in de afternoon wif de gang and den head back home for reunion dinner followed by going out after de dinner.yup..all planned out... =p ahhhh..dun0z wad to blog end here.Happy Chinese New Year Everyone ! =D hab fun!

Sunday, January 11, 2004

de last day of de weekend,sch tml...sadd.somehw i cnt help noticing dat my blog doesnt tell much of my daily activities like other blogs do.but more of like..a place whr i can bear my,i was out eatin wif my best fren GheeTing(G.T) and we were tokin abt hw time flies.over these times,changes had taken thinkin had become more mature..and i dun realli care abt wad ppl thinks.tis is so diff frm de old hab indeed change.ders sth which i wonders.."JUST WTF DOES HE WANTS."=x right...bedtime.nites everyone.

Saturday, January 10, 2004

w0ah.its been quite awhile since i last blogged.well..basically,i'm kinda lazy to blog and i'm busy wif sch work.dats y...sch has been..well,fun.but feelin is diff.2A isnt der anymore.miss those fun and laughter we shared during de past 2 yr.sec 3 syllabus are kinda diff.i hate onli sub i find it hard to cope wif so rest..are its a sat today.and I'M GOING get new yr clothes.will blog again at nite.

Sunday, January 04, 2004

yea.stop bloggin for afew days.friday.startin of sch.was involved in sec one orientation camp.and guess wad.MERLIN WON.YEAHHHH...WE =x de camp tis yr was a memorable wan.learnt alot of things thru tis camp.and i came home dead mainly de reason why i didnt went out..wif ben to buy sch bags.till 5+ den basically rotting at home doing nth much except sms-ing,tokin on fone,irc-in and gb-in.sunday.went out wif mei yi..accompany her to buy her frm far east to heeren den frm heeren back to far east cuz she changed her mind and wanted to buy de bag in far east.god noes when we reach far east she brought another bag.and dat bag was avaiable in heeren!my much for de walkin.den we went to PS..walk walk..see see..den when home.den mei yi called me sayin dat she didnt bring her keys and no one was she came over to my hse and ard 30 mins later she went'm preparin to officially start de new term tml.nites...

PS. Saw a fren today.LOL =x

Thursday, January 01, 2004

how are chances and choices related...

chances comes by.. choice is your to whether u wan to grab it..

i questioned myself..

wats my purpose in my life ?

grow up work and gets old ?

live it meaningfully ?

make a mark in someone's life ?

all of the above are some craps that i thought of ..

love is jus a fantasy .. it doesn't exist.. why am i so stubborn ?

walk the roads of my life

u might find urself trying to survive..

the road ain't smooth..

its never smooth..

stop giving..

and find yourself not receiving..

trying hard to find the one ?

eventually u end up with something u didn't really want..

letting nature takes its course..

as i wait, my heart sores
First and foremost.HAPPY NEW YEAR.!it has been a tirin new yr for me.l0ls.went to PS wif xs,my,sis,bro at ard 7.30 whrby we took our dinner at pastamania.den we send xs to k0van.took de train back wif my to PS.met gj and cl.den we walk all de way to somerset dat aread.when to say "Happy New Year" to locker.l0ls.den we went to cityhall..den esplanade.den frm der walk all de way to riverside or wadeva u called dat area.den cl and gj went off.leavin me wif my.den we saw some of our frens..had a short tok.den me and my walk back to esplanade.after which we saw was spectular.bery nice.den de 2 of us..walk to de Pensiular der de 7-11.den saw cl.he was runnin like mad.l0l.den we brought our stuffs..den we walk back to esplanade.wahahaha.beyr bo liao lo.keep walkin.den after dat we walk to suntec.saw our frens again.tok tok tok.den we continued walkin.roughly its liddat.lols.both of us reach home at funny.its tiring but nevertheless a fun wan.hahaha.HAPPY NEW YEAR once again. =D