Monday, December 11, 2006

Tell me why i should blog
and i'll tell you when i seldom

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

i go t bed everynight, knowin dat i wud be able t
see you e next day.
and baby, that alone is one of e greatest joy i ever had.
more den i can ever asked for.

magus luna,
hoooooooo. hopefully we'll pull through.
i so wna perform. hee.

Monday, July 03, 2006

If I could have just one wish,
I would wish to wake up everyday
to the sound of your breath on my neck,
the warmth of your lips on my cheek,
the touch of your fingers on my skin,
and the feel of your heart beating with mine...
Knowing that I could never find that feeling
with anyone other than you.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

been awhile since my last.
not lyk anyone ever bothers, but its okay.
i dun really bother updatin as well.
fair enough. =)
anw, dallas is enough. lookin forward t my posts. HAAHA.

okays, so yes.. for ppl who are speculating who's e guy
in my dp, why are we so close. and blah blah.
loud and clear here, HE IS MY B O Y F R I E ND.
yes. heehe.

so far everything is good. smiles everyday.
lovely dovey. i dnoe wad t say for now..
it seems dat everything is gg so smoothly in
e love dept dat i'm afraid dat sth horrible is gna
happen. den agn, it may nvr happen. cus.. neither of
us wants it t happen. =D

this time round, it feels different..
i can feel it. i dun wna harbour far fetched wishes,
even though i feel lyk it. sometimes reality might
turn ard and snap back at you.
reality is afterall, a bitch.

so my dear dear boy, i'm gna be by eur side for as long
as it takes and for as long as we're tgt ; my feelings
for you are true.

one last note t sign off.
i thought i wasn't ready,
but i knew it wud come.
i thought it can't happen at this age,
but i believed it exist.
i thought i was too mature for some,
but trust that der'll be one who proved me wrong.
i thought i often gave too much but recieved none,
but know that one day i wud have it all.

i guess it was you that i was waitin for,
and its you dat i now have. =)

Sunday, June 04, 2006

friday was a v.lovely night,

sat was filled wif activities.
frm 10am t 2.30am
went t sentosa, summer hunk party 2006.
was in a team wif kenneth.
nth much. hahas.
kenneth is v.tall.
we got burnt.
work was fun in a way.

everything lil thing you do...

Friday, May 05, 2006

life's GOOD.
great frens in sch, though nt a really fab course.
but i dun hate it either, in fact i'm learnin t lyk it, slowly.
at least its a whole diff thing and i get t do lotsa fun things.
i din really lost contact wif my workin frens,
still find chances t meet up whenever we can. jus met jeff&nich
together wif Gting! dat was after our meetin wif Mxuan at TM.
hee. had a pretty enjoyable time at both individual meeting.
my only downside nw is havin t wake up early in e morning. scuks.
hope my mom is fine in thailand!

my maternal grandpa gave in t cancer on 1st may 2006.
frankly, we werent v.close due t e distance apart
but whenever i paid him a visit, he nvr fails t smile.
he was a nice grandpa though nt close, but still, hes a v.nice guy.
i'm glad dat he dun have t suffer anymore, any longer.
it breaks my heart t see my parents cryin, but i guess.. its normal.
may my grandpa find peace. loveyou.

PS; you.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

school's nt too bad afterall.
pretty enjoyable, for now.
updating for e sake of updating.
i'm tired.

for e right one, will noe

Saturday, April 15, 2006

school's starting soon. real soon.
dun wna quit, dun feel lyk quittin.
so gna miss all those nice ppl at work,
words cnt express my feelings towards dem.
school's starting, shudnt i be happy ?